Friday, December 23, 2011

Philippines flooding: How to help

Typhoon Washi hit the southern Mindanao region of the Philippines on December 16, sparking flash floods and mudslides that killed hundreds of people while they slept.
According to the Philippines Red Cross, the death toll has risen to more than 900, and that number is expected to climb. In the port city of Cagayan de Oro, about 580 people -- mostly women and children who lived on river banks -- were killed, reports the Associated Press. Civil Defense officials say that more than 140,000 people have been affected by the flooding.

  Below are organizations that are working on relief and recovery in the region.
SAVE THE CHILDREN: Save the Children is launching an emergency response to help victims of the flooding. Experts are on the ground to distribute drinking water and essential items to families affected by the disaster. Please designate your gift to "Philippines Annual Monsoon and Typhoon Children in Emergency Fund." Donate here.
SHELTERBOX: ShelterBox has committed aid for families in need after flooding and landslides caused widespread devastation in the Philippines.  ShelterBoxes will be transported from a storage facility in the Philippines and will arrive in the region shortly. They will be distributed to the families most in need by SRT members, in coordination with the local authorities. Donate here.
UNITED STATES FUND FOR UNICEF: UNICEF is preparing to respond to the needs of approximately 43,000 children affected by the devastating floods brought on by Tropical Storm Washi.  UNICEF has prepared supplies to be dispatched to the affected areas including: water kits, to ensure safe, clean water; hygiene kits containing soap, toothbrushes and personal hygiene items; tents and tarpaulins for temporary shelter, vitamin A for mothers and infants; breastfeeding education materials to reduce the risk of infant mortality and recreation kits so children can play and begin to have a sense of normalcy. Donate here.
WORLD VISION INTERNATIONAL: World Vision relief teams have mobilized to provide 5,000 families in Cagayan de Oro with drinking water, rice, biscuits, and canned goods, as well as emergency items like hygiene kits with soap, blankets, sleeping mats, cooking pots, and utensils.


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